lakeFS Client module
Handles authentication against the lakeFS server and wraps the underlying lakefs_sdk client.
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import json
from threading import Lock
from typing import Optional
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
import lakefs_sdk
from lakefs_sdk import ExternalLoginInformation
from lakefs_sdk.client import LakeFSClient
from lakefs.config import ClientConfig
from lakefs.exceptions import NotAuthorizedException, ServerException, api_exception_handler
from lakefs.models import ServerStorageConfiguration
import boto3
DEFAULT_REGION = "us-east-1"
class ServerConfiguration:
Represent a lakeFS server's configuration
_conf: lakefs_sdk.Config
_storage_conf: dict[str, ServerStorageConfiguration] = {}
def __init__(self, client: Optional[Client] = None):
self._conf = client.sdk_client.config_api.get_config()
if self._conf.storage_config_list is not None:
for storage in self._conf.storage_config_list:
self._storage_conf[storage.blockstore_id] = ServerStorageConfiguration(
if self._conf.storage_config is not None:
self._storage_conf[SINGLE_STORAGE_ID] = ServerStorageConfiguration(**self._conf.storage_config.dict())
except lakefs_sdk.exceptions.ApiException as e:
if isinstance(e, lakefs_sdk.exceptions.ApiException):
raise NotAuthorizedException(e.status, e.reason) from e
raise ServerException(e.status, e.reason) from e
def version(self) -> str:
Return the lakeFS server version
return self._conf.version_config.version
def storage_config(self) -> ServerStorageConfiguration:
Returns the default lakeFS server storage configuration
return self.storage_config_by_id()
def storage_config_by_id(self, storage_id=SINGLE_STORAGE_ID):
Returns the lakeFS server storage configuration by ID
return self._storage_conf[storage_id]
class Client:
Wrapper around lakefs_sdk's client object
Takes care of instantiating it from the environment
Example of initializing a Client object:
.. code-block:: python
from lakefs import Client
client = Client(username="<access_key_id>", password="<secret_access_key>", host="<lakefs_endpoint>")
_client: Optional[LakeFSClient] = None
_conf: Optional[ClientConfig] = None
_server_conf: Optional[ServerConfiguration] = None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._conf = ClientConfig(**kwargs)
self._client = LakeFSClient(self._conf, header_name='X-Lakefs-Client',
def config(self):
Return the underlying lakefs_sdk configuration
return self._conf
def sdk_client(self):
Return the underlying lakefs_sdk client
return self._client
def storage_config(self):
lakeFS SDK storage config object, lazy evaluated.
return self.storage_config_by_id()
def storage_config_by_id(self, storage_id=SINGLE_STORAGE_ID):
Returns lakeFS SDK storage config object, defaults to a single storage ID.
if self._server_conf is None:
self._server_conf = ServerConfiguration(self)
return self._server_conf.storage_config_by_id(storage_id)
def version(self) -> str:
lakeFS Server version, lazy evaluated.
if self._server_conf is None:
self._server_conf = ServerConfiguration(self)
return self._server_conf.version
def _extract_region_from_endpoint(endpoint):
Extract the region name from an STS endpoint URL.
for example: https://sts.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/ -> eu-central-1
and for example: https://sts.amazonaws.com/ -> DEFAULT_REGION
:param endpoint: The endpoint URL of the STS client.
:return: The region name extracted from the endpoint URL.
parts = endpoint.split('.')
if len(parts) == 4:
return parts[1]
if len(parts) > 4:
return parts[2]
def _get_identity_token(
session: boto3.Session,
lakefs_host: str,
additional_headers: dict[str, str],
) -> str:
Generate the identity token required for lakeFS authentication from an AWS session.
This function uses the STS client to generate a presigned URL for the `get_caller_identity` action,
extracts the required values from the URL,
and creates a base64-encoded JSON object with these values.
:param session: A boto3 session object with the necessary AWS credentials and region information.
:return: A base64-encoded JSON string containing the required authentication information.
:raises ValueError: If the session does not have a region name set.
# this method should only be called when installing the aws-iam additional requirement
from botocore.client import Config # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, import-error
from botocore.signers import RequestSigner # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, import-error
sts_client = session.client('sts', config=Config(signature_version='v4'))
endpoint = sts_client.meta.endpoint_url
service_id = sts_client.meta.service_model.service_id
region = _extract_region_from_endpoint(endpoint)
# signer is used because the presigned URL generated by the STS does not support additional headers
signer = RequestSigner(
endpoint_with_params = f"{endpoint}/?Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2011-06-15"
if additional_headers is None:
additional_headers = {
'X-LakeFS-Server-ID': lakefs_host,
params = {
'method': 'POST',
'url': endpoint_with_params,
'body': {},
'headers': additional_headers,
'context': {}
presigned_url = signer.generate_presigned_url(
parsed_url = urlparse(presigned_url)
query_params = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)
# Extract values from query parameters
json_object = {
"method": "POST",
"host": parsed_url.hostname,
"region": region,
"action": query_params['Action'][0],
"date": query_params['X-Amz-Date'][0],
"expiration_duration": query_params['X-Amz-Expires'][0],
"access_key_id": query_params['X-Amz-Credential'][0].split('/')[0],
"signature": query_params['X-Amz-Signature'][0],
"signed_headers": query_params.get('X-Amz-SignedHeaders', [''])[0].split(';'),
"version": query_params['Version'][0],
"algorithm": query_params['X-Amz-Algorithm'][0],
"security_token": query_params.get('X-Amz-Security-Token', [None])[0]
json_string = json.dumps(json_object)
return base64.b64encode(json_string.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
def from_aws_role(
session: boto3.Session,
ttl_seconds: int = 3600,
presigned_ttl: int = 60,
additional_headers: dict[str, str] = None,
**kwargs) -> Client:
Create a lakeFS client from an AWS role.
:param session: : The boto3 session.
:param ttl_seconds: The time-to-live for the generated lakeFS token in seconds. The default value is 3600 seconds.
:param presigned_ttl: The time-to-live for the presigned URL in seconds. The default value is 60 seconds.
:param additional_headers: Additional headers to include in the presigned URL.
:param kwargs: The arguments to pass to the client.
:return: A lakeFS client.
client = Client(**kwargs)
lakefs_host = urlparse(client.config.host).hostname
identity_token = _get_identity_token(session, lakefs_host, presign_expiry=presigned_ttl,
external_login_information = ExternalLoginInformation(token_expiration_duration=ttl_seconds, identity_request={
"identity_token": identity_token
with api_exception_handler():
auth_token = client.sdk_client.auth_api.external_principal_login(external_login_information)
client.config.access_token = auth_token.token
return client
def from_web_identity(code: str, state: str, redirect_uri: str, ttl_seconds: int = 3600, **kwargs) -> Client:
Authenticate against lakeFS using a code received from an identity provider
:param code: The code received from the identity provider
:param state: The state received from the identity provider
:param redirect_uri: The redirect URI used in the authentication process
:param ttl_seconds: The token's time-to-live in seconds
:param kwargs: Remaining arguments for the Client object
:return: The authenticated Client object
:raise NotAuthorizedException: if user is not authorized to perform this operation
client = Client(**kwargs)
sts_requests = lakefs_sdk.StsAuthRequest(code=code, state=state, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, ttl_seconds=ttl_seconds)
with api_exception_handler():
auth_token = client.sdk_client.experimental_api.sts_login(sts_requests)
client.config.access_token = auth_token.token
return client
class _BaseLakeFSObject:
Base class for all lakeFS SDK objects, holds the client object and handles errors where no authentication method
found for client. Attempts to reload client dynamically in case of changes in the environment.
__mutex: Lock = Lock()
__client: Optional[Client] = None
def __init__(self, client: Optional[Client]):
self.__client = client
def _client(self):
If client is None due to missing authentication params, try to init again. If authentication method is still
missing - will raise exception
:return: The initialized client object
:raise NoAuthenticationFound: If no authentication method found to configure the lakeFS client with
if self.__client is not None:
return self.__client
with _BaseLakeFSObject.__mutex:
if _BaseLakeFSObject.__client is None:
_BaseLakeFSObject.__client = Client()
return _BaseLakeFSObject.__client