Source code for lakefs.object

Module containing lakeFS reference implementation

from __future__ import annotations

import base64
import binascii
import io
import json
import os
import tempfile
import urllib.parse
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import AnyStr, IO, Iterator, List, Literal, Optional, Union, get_args

import lakefs_sdk
from lakefs_sdk import StagingMetadata

from lakefs.client import Client, _BaseLakeFSObject
from lakefs.exceptions import (
from lakefs.models import ObjectInfo

_LAKEFS_METADATA_PREFIX = "x-lakefs-meta-"
# _BUFFER_SIZE - Writer buffer size. While buffer size not exceed, data will be maintained in memory and file will
#                not be created.
_WRITER_BUFFER_SIZE = 32 * 1024 * 1024

ReadModes = Literal['r', 'rb']
WriteModes = Literal['x', 'xb', 'w', 'wb']
AllModes = Union[ReadModes, WriteModes]

[docs] class LakeFSIOBase(_BaseLakeFSObject, IO): """ Base class for the lakeFS Reader and Writer classes """ _obj: StoredObject _mode: AllModes _pos: int _pre_sign: Optional[bool] = None def __init__(self, obj: StoredObject, mode: AllModes, pre_sign: Optional[bool] = None, client: Optional[Client] = None) -> None: self._obj = obj self._mode = mode self._pos = 0 super().__init__(client) # must be set after super().__init__ to ensure the client is properly initialized. self._pre_sign = pre_sign if pre_sign is not None \ else self._client.storage_config_by_id(obj.storage_id()).pre_sign_support @property def mode(self) -> str: """ Returns the open mode for this object """ return self._mode @property def name(self) -> str: """ Returns the name of the object relative to the repo and reference """ return self._obj.path
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Finalizes any existing operations on object and close open descriptors Inheriting classes need to override close() as needed. """
@abstractmethod def _abort(self) -> None: """ Specific implementation for when the IO object should be discarded """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fileno(self) -> int: """ The file descriptor number as defined by the operating system. In the context of lakeFS it has no meaning :raise io.UnsupportedOperation: Always, since fileno is not supported for lakeFS objects """ raise io.UnsupportedOperation
[docs] @abstractmethod def flush(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def isatty(self) -> bool: """ Irrelevant for the lakeFS implementation """ return False
[docs] @abstractmethod def readable(self) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def readline(self, limit: int = -1): """ Must be explicitly implemented by inheriting class """ raise io.UnsupportedOperation
[docs] def readlines(self, hint: int = -1): """ Must be explicitly implemented by inheriting class """ raise io.UnsupportedOperation
[docs] @abstractmethod def seekable(self) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def truncate(self, size: int = None) -> int: """ Unsupported by lakeFS implementation """ raise io.UnsupportedOperation
[docs] @abstractmethod def writable(self) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def write(self, s: AnyStr) -> int: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def writelines(self, lines: List[AnyStr]) -> None: """ Unsupported by lakeFS implementation """ raise io.UnsupportedOperation
def __next__(self) -> AnyStr: line = self.readline() if len(line) == 0: raise StopIteration return line def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[AnyStr]: return self def __enter__(self) -> LakeFSIOBase: return self def __exit__(self, typ, value, traceback) -> bool: if typ is None: # Perform logic in case no exception was raised self.close() else: self._abort() # perform logic regardless of exception return False # Don't suppress an exception
[docs] @abstractmethod def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int = 0) -> int: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def read(self, n: int = None) -> str | bytes: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def tell(self) -> int: """ For readers - read position, for writers can be used as an indication for bytes written """ return self._pos
[docs] class ObjectReader(LakeFSIOBase): """ ObjectReader provides read-only functionality for lakeFS objects with IO semantics. This Object is instantiated and returned for immutable reference types (Commit, Tag...) """ _readlines_buf: io.BytesIO def __init__(self, obj: StoredObject, mode: ReadModes, pre_sign: Optional[bool] = None, client: Optional[Client] = None) -> None: if mode not in get_args(ReadModes): raise ValueError(f"invalid read mode: '{mode}'. ReadModes: {ReadModes}") super().__init__(obj, mode, pre_sign, client) self._readlines_buf = io.BytesIO(b"") self._is_closed = False @property def pre_sign(self): """ Returns whether the pre_sign mode is enabled """ if self._pre_sign is None: self._pre_sign = self._client.storage_config_by_id(self._obj.storage_id()).pre_sign_support return self._pre_sign @pre_sign.setter def pre_sign(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Set the pre_sign mode to value :param value: The new value for pre_sign mode """ self._pre_sign = value @property def closed(self) -> bool: """ Returns True after the object is closed """ return self._is_closed
[docs] def readable(self) -> bool: """ Returns True always """ return True
[docs] def write(self, s: AnyStr) -> int: """ Unsupported for reader object """ raise io.UnsupportedOperation
[docs] def seekable(self) -> bool: """ Returns True always """ return True
[docs] def writable(self) -> bool: """ Unsupported - read only object """ return False
[docs] def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int = 0) -> int: """ Move the object's reading position :param offset: The offset from the beginning of the file :param whence: Optional. The whence argument is optional and defaults to os.SEEK_SET or 0 (absolute file positioning); other values are os.SEEK_CUR or 1 (seek relative to the current position) and os.SEEK_END or 2 (seek relative to the file’s end) :raise ValueError: if reader is closed :raise OSError: if calculated new position is negative :raise io.UnsupportedOperation: If whence value is unsupported """ if self._is_closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") if whence == os.SEEK_SET: pos = offset elif whence == os.SEEK_CUR: pos = self._pos + offset elif whence == os.SEEK_END: size = self._obj.stat().size_bytes # Seek end requires us to know the size of the file pos = size + offset else: raise io.UnsupportedOperation(f"whence={whence} is not supported") if pos < 0: raise OSError("position must be a non-negative integer") self._pos = pos return pos
def _cast_by_mode(self, retval): if 'b' not in self.mode: return retval.decode('utf-8') return retval def _read(self, read_range: str) -> str | bytes: try: with api_exception_handler(_io_exception_handler): return self._client.sdk_client.objects_api.get_object(self._obj.repo, self._obj.ref, self._obj.path, range=read_range, presign=self.pre_sign) except InvalidRangeException: # This is done in order to behave like the built-in open() function return b''
[docs] def read(self, n: int = None) -> str | bytes: """ Read object data :param n: How many bytes to read. If read_bytes is None, will read from current position to end. If current position + read_bytes > object size. :return: The bytes read :raise ValueError: if reader is closed :raise OSError: if read_bytes is non-positive :raise ObjectNotFoundException: if repository id, reference id or object path does not exist :raise PermissionException: if user is not authorized to perform this operation, or operation is forbidden :raise ServerException: for any other errors """ if self._is_closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") if n and n <= 0: raise OSError("read_bytes must be a positive integer") read_range = self._get_range_string(start=self._pos, read_bytes=n) contents = self._read(read_range) self._pos += len(contents) # Update pointer position return self._cast_by_mode(contents)
[docs] def readline(self, limit: int = -1): """ Read and return a line from the stream. :param limit: If limit > -1 returns at most limit bytes :raise ValueError: if reader is closed :raise ObjectNotFoundException: if repository id, reference id or object path does not exist :raise PermissionException: if user is not authorized to perform this operation, or operation is forbidden :raise ServerException: for any other errors """ if self._is_closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") if self._readlines_buf.getbuffer().nbytes == 0: self._readlines_buf = io.BytesIO(self._read(self._get_range_string(0))) line = self._readlines_buf.readline(limit) self._pos = self._readlines_buf.tell() return self._cast_by_mode(line)
[docs] def flush(self) -> None: """ Nothing to do for reader :raise ValueError: if reader is closed """ if self._is_closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Close open descriptors """ if self._is_closed: return self._is_closed = True self._readlines_buf.close()
def _abort(self): """ Closes reader """ self.close() @staticmethod def _get_range_string(start, read_bytes=None): if start == 0 and read_bytes is None: return None if read_bytes is None: return f"bytes={start}-" return f"bytes={start}-{start + read_bytes - 1}" def __str__(self): return self._obj.path def __repr__(self): return f'ObjectReader(path="{self._obj.path}")'
[docs] class ObjectWriter(LakeFSIOBase): """ ObjectWriter provides write-only functionality for lakeFS objects with IO semantics. This Object is instantiated and returned from the WriteableObject writer method. For the data to be actually written to the lakeFS server the close() method must be invoked explicitly or implicitly when using writer as a context. """ _fd: tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile _obj_stats: ObjectInfo = None def __init__(self, obj: StoredObject, mode: WriteModes, pre_sign: Optional[bool] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, client: Optional[Client] = None) -> None: if 'x' in mode and obj.exists(): # Requires explicit create raise ObjectExistsException if mode not in get_args(WriteModes): raise ValueError(f"invalid write mode: '{mode}'. WriteModes: {WriteModes}") self.content_type = content_type self.metadata = metadata open_kwargs = { # TODO: Once the upstream urllib3 < 2.0 is out of support, # pass the specified write mode and conditional encoding (None, utf-8). "encoding": None, # Must be none for binary write modes. "utf-8" otherwise "mode": 'wb+', # Always write to file in binary mode (bug in urllib3 < 2.0, "max_size": _WRITER_BUFFER_SIZE, } self._fd = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(**open_kwargs) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with super().__init__(obj, mode, pre_sign, client) @property def pre_sign(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether the pre_sign mode is enabled """ if self._pre_sign is None: self._pre_sign = self._client.storage_config_by_id(self._obj.storage_id()).pre_sign_support return self._pre_sign @pre_sign.setter def pre_sign(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Set the pre_sign mode to value :param value: The new value for pre_sign mode """ self._pre_sign = value @property def closed(self) -> bool: """ Returns True after the object is closed """ return self._fd.closed
[docs] def flush(self) -> None: """ Flush buffer to file. Prevent flush if total write size is still smaller than _BUFFER_SIZE so that we avoid unnecessary write to disk. :raise ValueError: if writer is closed """ if self._fd.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") # Don't flush buffer to file if we didn't exceed buffer size # We want to avoid using the file if possible if self._pos > _WRITER_BUFFER_SIZE: self._fd.flush()
[docs] def write(self, s: AnyStr) -> int: """ Write data to buffer :param s: The data to write :return: The number of bytes written to buffer :raise ValueError: if writer is closed """ contents = s.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(s, str) else s count = self._fd.write(contents) self._pos += count return count
[docs] def discard(self) -> None: """ Discards of the write buffer and closes writer """ self._abort()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Write the data to the lakeFS server """ if self._fd.closed: return stats = self._upload_presign() if self.pre_sign else self._upload_raw() self._obj_stats = ObjectInfo(**stats.dict()) self._fd.close()
def _abort(self) -> None: """ Close open descriptors but create nothing on lakeFS. """ if not self._fd.closed: self._fd.close() @staticmethod def _extract_etag_from_response(headers) -> str: # prefer Content-MD5 if exists content_md5 = headers.get("Content-MD5") if content_md5 is not None and len(content_md5) > 0: try: # decode base64, return as hex decode_md5 = base64.b64decode(content_md5) return binascii.hexlify(decode_md5).decode("utf-8") except binascii.Error: pass # fallback to ETag etag = headers.get("ETag", "").strip(' "') return etag def _upload_raw(self) -> lakefs_sdk.ObjectStats: """ Use raw upload API call to bypass validation of content parameter """ auth_settings = ['basic_auth', 'cookie_auth', 'oidc_auth', 'saml_auth', 'jwt_token'] headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": self.content_type if self.content_type is not None else "application/octet-stream" } # Create user metadata headers if self.metadata is not None: for k, v in self.metadata.items(): headers[_LAKEFS_METADATA_PREFIX + k] = v resource_path = urllib.parse.quote(f"/repositories/{self._obj.repo}/branches/{self._obj.ref}/objects", encoding="utf-8") query_params = urllib.parse.urlencode({"path": self._obj.path}, encoding="utf-8") url = + resource_path + f"?{query_params}" self._client.sdk_client.objects_api.api_client.update_params_for_auth(headers, None, auth_settings, resource_path, "POST", self._fd) resp = self._client.sdk_client.objects_api.api_client.rest_client.pool_manager.request(url=url, method="POST", headers=headers, body=self._fd) handle_http_error(resp) return lakefs_sdk.ObjectStats(**json.loads( def _upload_presign(self) -> lakefs_sdk.ObjectStats: staging_location = self._client.sdk_client.staging_api.get_physical_address(self._obj.repo, self._obj.ref, self._obj.path, True) url = staging_location.presigned_url headers = {"Content-Length": self._pos} if self.content_type: headers["Content-Type"] = self.content_type if self._client.storage_config_by_id(self._obj.storage_id()).blockstore_type == "azure": headers["x-ms-blob-type"] = "BlockBlob" resp = self._client.sdk_client.staging_api.api_client.rest_client.pool_manager.request(method="PUT", url=url, body=self._fd, headers=headers) handle_http_error(resp) etag = ObjectWriter._extract_etag_from_response(resp.headers) size_bytes = self._pos staging_metadata = StagingMetadata(staging=staging_location, size_bytes=size_bytes, checksum=etag, user_metadata=self.metadata, content_type=self.content_type) return self._client.sdk_client.staging_api.link_physical_address(self._obj.repo, self._obj.ref, self._obj.path, staging_metadata=staging_metadata)
[docs] def readable(self) -> bool: """ ObjectWriter is write-only - return False always """ return False
[docs] def seekable(self) -> bool: """ ObjectWriter is not seekable. Returns False always """ return False
[docs] def writable(self) -> bool: """ Returns True always """ return True
[docs] def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int = 0) -> int: """ Unsupported for writer class """ raise io.UnsupportedOperation
[docs] def read(self, n: int = None) -> str | bytes: """ Unsupported for writer class """ raise io.UnsupportedOperation
def __repr__(self): return f'ObjectWriter(path="{self._obj.path}")'
[docs] class StoredObject(_BaseLakeFSObject): """ Class representing an object in lakeFS. """ _repo_id: str _ref_id: str _path: str _stats: Optional[ObjectInfo] = None _storage_id: Optional[str] = None def __init__(self, repository_id: str, reference_id: str, path: str, client: Optional[Client] = None): self._repo_id = repository_id self._ref_id = reference_id self._path = path super().__init__(client) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.path def __repr__(self): return f'StoredObject(repository="{self.repo}", reference="{self.ref}", path="{self.path}")' @property def repo(self) -> str: """ Returns the object's repository id """ return self._repo_id @property def ref(self) -> str: """ Returns the object's reference id """ return self._ref_id @property def path(self) -> str: """ Returns the object's path relative to repository and reference ids """ return self._path
[docs] def reader(self, mode: ReadModes = 'rb', pre_sign: Optional[bool] = None) -> ObjectReader: """ Context manager which provide a file-descriptor like object that allow reading the given object. Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import lakefs obj = lakefs.repository("<repository_name>").branch("<branch_name>").object("file.txt") file_size = obj.stat().size_bytes with obj.reader(mode='r', pre_sign=True) as fd: # print every other 10 chars while fd.tell() < file_size print(, os.SEEK_CUR) :param mode: Read mode - as supported by ReadModes :param pre_sign: (Optional), enforce the pre_sign mode on the lakeFS server. If not set, will probe server for information. :return: A Reader object """ return ObjectReader(self, mode=mode, pre_sign=pre_sign, client=self._client)
[docs] def stat(self) -> ObjectInfo: """ Return the Stat object representing this object """ if self._stats is None: with api_exception_handler(_io_exception_handler): stat = self._client.sdk_client.objects_api.stat_object(self._repo_id, self._ref_id, self._path) self._stats = ObjectInfo(**stat.dict()) return self._stats
[docs] def storage_id(self) -> str: """ Return the storage ID associated with this object """ if self._storage_id is None: with api_exception_handler(_io_exception_handler): repo = self._client.sdk_client.repositories_api.get_repository(self._repo_id) self._storage_id = repo.storage_id return self._storage_id
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: """ Returns True if object exists in lakeFS, False otherwise """ exists = False def exist_handler(e: LakeFSException): if isinstance(e, NotFoundException): return None # exists = False return _io_exception_handler(e) with api_exception_handler(exist_handler): self._client.sdk_client.objects_api.head_object(self._repo_id, self._ref_id, self._path) exists = True return exists
[docs] def copy(self, destination_branch_id: str, destination_path: str) -> WriteableObject: """ Copy the object to a destination branch :param destination_branch_id: The destination branch to copy the object to :param destination_path: The path of the copied object in the destination branch :return: The newly copied Object :raise ObjectNotFoundException: if repo id,reference id, destination branch id or object path does not exist :raise PermissionException: if user is not authorized to perform this operation, or operation is forbidden :raise ServerException: for any other errors """ with api_exception_handler(): object_copy_creation = lakefs_sdk.ObjectCopyCreation(src_ref=self._ref_id, src_path=self._path) self._client.sdk_client.objects_api.copy_object(repository=self._repo_id, branch=destination_branch_id, dest_path=destination_path, object_copy_creation=object_copy_creation) return WriteableObject(repository_id=self._repo_id, reference_id=destination_branch_id, path=destination_path, client=self._client)
[docs] class WriteableObject(StoredObject): """ WriteableObject inherits from ReadableObject and provides read/write functionality for lakeFS objects using IO semantics. This Object is instantiated and returned upon invoking writer() on Branch reference type. """ def __init__(self, repository_id: str, reference_id: str, path: str, client: Optional[Client] = None) -> None: super().__init__(repository_id, reference_id, path, client=client) def __repr__(self): return f'WriteableObject(repository="{self.repo}", reference="{self.ref}", path="{self.path}")'
[docs] def upload(self, data: str | bytes, mode: WriteModes = 'w', pre_sign: Optional[bool] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None) -> WriteableObject: """ Upload a new object or overwrites an existing object :param data: The contents of the object to write (can be bytes or string) :param mode: Write mode: 'x' - Open for exclusive creation 'xb' - Open for exclusive creation in binary mode 'w' - Create a new object or truncate if exists 'wb' - Create or truncate in binary mode :param pre_sign: (Optional) Explicitly state whether to use pre_sign mode when uploading the object. If None, will be taken from pre_sign property. :param content_type: (Optional) Explicitly set the object Content-Type :param metadata: (Optional) User metadata :return: The Stat object representing the newly created object :raise ObjectExistsException: if object exists and mode is exclusive ('x') :raise ObjectNotFoundException: if repo id, reference id or object path does not exist :raise PermissionException: if user is not authorized to perform this operation, or operation is forbidden :raise ServerException: for any other errors """ with ObjectWriter(self, mode, pre_sign, content_type, metadata, self._client) as writer: writer.write(data) return self
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """ Delete object from lakeFS :raise ObjectNotFoundException: if repo id, reference id or object path does not exist :raise PermissionException: if user is not authorized to perform this operation, or operation is forbidden :raise ServerException: for any other errors """ with api_exception_handler(_io_exception_handler): self._client.sdk_client.objects_api.delete_object(self._repo_id, self._ref_id, self._path) self._stats = None
[docs] def writer(self, mode: WriteModes = 'wb', pre_sign: Optional[bool] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None) -> ObjectWriter: """ Context manager which provide a file-descriptor like object that allow writing the given object to lakeFS The writes are saved in a buffer as long as the writer is open. Only when it closes it writes the data into lakeFS. The optional parameters can be modified by accessing the respective fields as long as the writer is still open. Usage example of reading a file from local file system and writing it to lakeFS: .. code-block:: python import lakefs obj = lakefs.repository("<repository_name>").branch("<branch_name>").object("my_image") with open("my_local_image", mode='rb') as reader, obj.writer("wb") as writer: writer.write( :param mode: Write mode - as supported by WriteModes :param pre_sign: (Optional), enforce the pre_sign mode on the lakeFS server. If not set, will probe server for information. :param content_type: (Optional) Specify the data media type :param metadata: (Optional) User defined metadata to save on the object :return: A Writer object """ return ObjectWriter(self, mode=mode, pre_sign=pre_sign, content_type=content_type, metadata=metadata, client=self._client)
def _io_exception_handler(e: LakeFSException): if isinstance(e, NotFoundException): return ObjectNotFoundException(e.status_code, e.reason) if isinstance(e, (NotAuthorizedException, ForbiddenException)): return PermissionException(e.status_code, e.reason) return e